Thursday, January 13, 2011

ten days gone, 7 days to join the dots.

hello new york (city),
it's been 10 days now,

i've seen some of your best - (art,) the MoMA, Whitney
and the middling (of what used to be the above) - the subways
and the bad - the SLUDGE-Y cold.

i've seen American Idiot(s - JOKES), my first opera [La Fanciulla del West], and tomorrow, a play -
The New York Idea.

...and i haven't had that "a-HA/eureka/i got it!!" moment, not yet.

through study and sludge, music, bricks, and mortar, the old and the new, i've found the dots but have yet to connect them.
a recap:

 - as a broad movement in the arts, literature, music, architecture.
 - dependent on context, what's new is relative and depends on mastering what's old (see American [New York] Renaissance, New York Modern)

new york city 
 - the layers, architecturally a palimpsest.
 - money, money, money: driving cultural tolerance, automats...
 - an exemplification or apart from the u.s of a? [Thomas Bender - NY as un-american because of its emphasis on difference... Mariana van Rensselaer - NY's unique-ness lies in its "union of heterogenousness & individuality]
 - celebrated as a multiculturally diverse, cosmopolitan place... what do the cultural enclaves signify?
the people.

7 days to make the constellation to see,
my eureka moment...

too short?
so i could just come back again.
hello, new york (city).

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